Rabu, 9 Januari 2013

Gambaran Orang Solat di muka bumi Tanah Arab Versi Baru

Sila perhatikan gambar bermula dari sebelah atas. 
Bismillah: Assalamu 'Ala Man ittaba'aa al-Huda.

Sebagai Muslim, kita telah banyak melihat bukti-bukti kekuasaan Allah swt, Namun adakah ianya dapat dilihat oleh orang bukan Islam dengan mudah?

Kita telah ditunjukkan benda-benda atau sesuatu yang tertulis dengan nama Allah. Awan, telur, sarang lebah.
Kita telah melihat pokok solat dalam kaifiah rukun Rukuk di Australia, bahkan kita telah melihat ayat-ayat Shahadah di tebing sungai di Jerman

     اشهد ان لا اله الا الله اشهد ان محمد الرسول الله   

Namun adakah ianya dapat memberikan kata putus bahawa Islam itu betul, Dua kalimat di atas ketika ini sudah tidak ada lagi kerana telah dimusnahkan di dalam peperangan.

Pokok yang sedang rukuk di Australia pula bukanlah suatu yang khusus bagi umat Islam, kerana dalam ugama Nasrani, mereka juga mengamalkan ibadat rukuk.

Kita telah banyak merasakan Rahman dan RahimNya Allah swt kepada kita. Kita telah membaca makna-makna al-Qur'an, kita telah membaca banyak tanda-tanda kebenaran al-Qur'an itu, namun adakah ianya dapat dibaca oleh orang yang bukan Islam, lebih-lebih lagi pada zaman sekarang ini, manusia kurang suka membaca buku-buku yang tebal-tebal. Terutama mengenai ugama. Dari kalangan manusia, berapa peratuskah yang suka membaca buku Novel, dan berepa peratus lagikah yang suka membaca buku-buku ugama, lalu berapa peratus lagikah orang yang akan mendapat hidayat setelah membaca buku-buku ugama itu?

Saudara, Al-Hamdulillah, ketika ini, walaupun peratusnya kurang banyak berbanding dengan orang yang masih liar, Hidayah Allah swt sudah ada di mana-mana, ianya sudah dapat kita rasakan menjelma sedikit demi sedikit. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa Allah swt telah mengirim bukti-bukti keesaanNya dan bukti-bukti kebenaran Islam pada semua manusia. Namun sebagaimana kita nyatakan tadi, berapa ramaikah yang mempunyai peluang dan kesempatan untuk mengkaji kebenaran  Islam dan akhirnya menerima Islam. Berapa banyakah golongan yang mempunyai Kurnia Allah swt yang amat berharga itu?

 Jawapannya tentu sekali amat sedikit sekali bukan? 

Lalu adakah patut kita biarkan saja mereka begitu? Tidakkah boleh kita berusaha mencari jalan mengatasi masalah yang mereka hadapi sekarang ini?

Jika kita mahu mengatasinya, maka kita memerlukan suatu bahan yang mudah dan hanya memerlukan masa yang singkat untuk dibaca untuk berdakwah. Mudah-mudahan tiada siapa lagi yang mempunyai alasan sibuk, atau susah difahami atau sebagainya untuk tidak mahu menerima Islam, atau tidak percaya bahawa Islam itu benar. 

Gambar yang saya nyatakan ini, saudara dan sahabat, adalah gambar orang solat dimuka bumi Tanah Arab.
Bentuk muka bumi amat besar sehingga meliputi 4 buah negara termasuk Arab Saudi sendiri sebagai Kiblat.

Bentuk Muka di Jordan, Telunjuk di Kuwait, badannya di Iraq dan Syria, bahkan tangan sebelah kiri juga ada terbentuk disungai Furat dan Tigres.

Ianya begitu besar sehingga sukar untuk dibuat-buat atau dimusnahkan. Bahkan menurut sejarah sendiri, pembahagian negara-negara ini juga bukalah dibuat oleh orang Islam, ianya dibuat oleh barat sendiri setelah perang dunia  meletus. 

Bukankah ianya suatu keajaiban yang mudah difahami dan dibaca. Maka marilah kita semua menyebarkan gambar ini keseluruh dunia, Agar nanti di akhirat kita tidak ditanyakan oleh Allah swt kenapa kita tidak menyebarkan dakwah ini.

Semoga bermanfaat.

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Intelligence Community | Military Intelligence | Government Intel Servers | International Links | Organizations | Documents | Laws and Reports | Testimony | Reorganization | Terrorism | Journals and Articles | Economic Espionage and Intelligence | Historical Interest | Ames Affair | Hanssen Affair| Debates and Controversy | Conferences | Feedback

The United States Intelligence Community

ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): DI, DS&T, NCS, CSI
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Directorate of Intelligence , NSB
TREASURY (Terrorism and Financial Intelligence) TFI
NSA (National Security Agency)
DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency)
NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)
NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
AF/ISR (Air Force ISR Agency)
INSCOM (Army Intelligence and Security Command)
ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence)
MCID (Marine Corps Intelligence Department), see also MCIA
STATE (Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research)
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
ENERGY (Department of Energy)
HOMELAND (intelligence-related components of the Department of Homeland Security)
COASTGUARD (U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence)
DNI/IC Related Interest:
NIC (National Intelligence Council)
NCTC (National Counterterrorism Center)
NCPC (National Counterproliferation Center)
NCIX (National Counter Intelligence Executive)

Other United States Government Intelligence Related Servers

NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration/Department of Energy)
DOS-OCC (Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Department of State)
IEB-CWG (Intelink Engineering Board: Collaboration Working Group)
IOSS (Interagency OPSEC Support Staff)
JUSTICE (Justice Department); (Office of Intelligence)
NITFS Technical Board
CSI (Center for the Study of Intelligence)
NPS-CCC (Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School)
ONR (Office of Naval Research)
PFIAB (President's Intelligence Advisory Board)
HPSCI (House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)
SSCI (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence)
ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)
DSS (Defense Security Service)
FINCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)
RFJ (Rewards for Justice Program)
USSS (Secret Service)
DOSFAN (Department of State Foreign Affairs Network)
NDIC (National Drug Intelligence Center at DOJ)
NTIS (National Technical Information Service)

International Links Related to Strategic Intelligence

ADIO (Australian Defence Intelligence Organisation)
ADSD (Australian Defence Signals Directorate)
IGIS (Australian Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security)
ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Service)
ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation)
ONA (Australian Office of National Assessments)
PJCIS (Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security - formerly on the ASIO, ASIS, and DSD)
BFCO (British Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
MI5 (British Security Service)
MI6 (British Secret Intelligence Service)
CCSE (Canadian Communications Security Establishment) [Commissioner's Site][Annual Reports]
RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
CFIBA (Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch Association)
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Canadian Intelligence Resource Centre (unofficial)
CSIC (Canadian Security and Intelligence Community, 2001) (pdf format)
CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)
CSIS Public Reports (several annual reports available)
SIRC (Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee)
DAS (Colombian Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad)
AIVD (Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst, formerly BVD) Annual Reports: BVD1998 , BVD2001 (Dutch)(English), AIVD2002 (Dutch) (English) , AIVD2003 (Dutch)(English), AIVD2004 (Dutch)(English), AIVD2005 (Dutch), AIVD2006 (Dutch), AIVD2007 (Dutch), AIVD2008 (Dutch) (all local pdf format)
BfV (German Bundesamt fuer Verfassungsschutz / Counterintel)
BND (German Bundesnachrichtendienst)
MAD (German Militärischer Abschirmdienst)
NBH (Hungarian National Security Office)
SISDe (Italian Intelligence and Democratic Security Service-Intelligence magazine)
GID (Jordanian General Intelligence Department)
GCSB (New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau)(annual report, 2008)
NZSIS (New Zealand Security Intelligence Service)
NZ-SONS (New Zealand: "Securing Our Nation's Safety" 2000)
AW (Polish Foreign Intelligence Agency) (also in English)
ABW (Polish Internal Security Agency)
SIED (Portuguese Strategic and Defense Intelligence Service)
SIS (Portuguese Security Intelligence Service)
AGENTURA (Russian Language Site on Intelligence; some pages in English)
FSB (Russian Intelligence)
SVR (Russian Foreign Intelligence)
CNI (Spanish National Intelligence Center: Centro Nacional de Inteligencia)
SISD (Swedish Intelligence and Security Directorate)
MIT (Turkish National Intelligence Organization)
NIM (United Kingdom National Intelligence Machinery)
GCHQ (United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters)
CESG (United Kingdom Communications-Electronics Security Group)
An extensive library of links is available in French at http://sources.ouvertes.free.fr/ .

Organizational Sites Related to Strategic Intelligence

AAA (Air America Association)
AFCEA (The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association)
AFIO (Association of Former Intelligence Officers)
AI (Africa Intelligence)
ATIA (Advanced Technical Intelligence Association)
AIPIO (Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers)
BCISS (Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies)
CASIS (Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies)
CICENTRE (Center for Counterintelligence and Security Studies)
CIP (Center for International Policy: Intelligence News and Documents)
CONET (Numbers Stations Around the World) Also, the project booklet
CRYPTOME (On-line archival site, via JYA/Urban Deadline)
CSP (Center for Security Policy)
FASPGS (Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy)
FASIRP (Federation of American Scientists Intelligence Resource Program)
ICG (International Crisis Group)
IF (Intelligence Forum: Academic Discussion Group on Intelligence)
IIHA (International Intelligence History Association)
INT-ONLINE (Intelligence Online -- Newsletter Index)
IRSN (International Relations and Security Network)
ISS (Intelligence Studies Section of the International Studies Association)
IWP (Institute of World Politics, Graduate School of Statecraft and National Security)
MCCIA (Marine Corps Counterintelligence Association)
NCMS (National Classification Management Society)
NSArchives (National Security Archives)
NCVA (U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association)
NSG (Naval Security Group Alumni)
NISA (Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association)
PBI (Public Intelligence Blog)
PDA (Project on Defense Alternatives - Intelligence Issues page)
SISG (UK Security and Intelligence Studies Group - University of Reading)
SPOOKS (The Spooks' Newsletter - Numbers Stations around the world)
USIC Guide (Document Service Center, Columbia University Libraries)
64 Baker Street (Women of the S.O.E.)

Documents Related to Strategic Intelligence

Office of the DNI: Reports Archive
CIA Reports Archive
National Intelligence: A Consumer's Guide, 2009
2009 National Intelligence Strategy
2007 National Counterintelligence Strategy
Defining the Future of the NRO (The Jeremiah Panel Report, 26 August 1996)
DCI Reports on Intelligence Community Activities 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006
CIA IG Report: Improper Handling of Classified Information by John M. Deutch
Congressional Research Service Reports on Intelligence via Federation of American Scientists
Foreign Missile Developments and the Ballistic Missile Threat Through 2015 (12/2001) (313KB pdf)
Global Trends 2015
Global Trends 2025
Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Countering Transnational Threats to the US, CRS Report RL30252 (pdf)
Interception Capabilities 2000 (EP Report on ECHELON and COMINT, via NRC Handelsblad)
The Literature of Intelligence: A Bibliography via Muskingum College
FY97 and FY98 US Intelligence Budget Statements
PFIAB Report and Appendix on DOE security Problems (1999)
CRISIS: Cryptography's Role In Securing the Information Society
Annual FISA Reports to Congress from DOJ
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Title 50 U.S.C. (chapter 36, sec. 1800 ff.)
Geospatial Intelligence StandardsWorking Group Charter (or local)
NSA/CSS Strategic Plan 2004-2009 via NSA
NSA 50th Anniversary Brochure via NSA
Report of the Independent Commission on NIMA (Jan.2001, 2.5mb pdf)
DoD Space Technology Guide: Intel Chapter 2000-2001 (600 kb pdf)
Commission to Assess US National Security Space Management and Organization (Jan. 2001) via space.gov
National Security Agency: Issues for Congress, CRS Report RL30740, January 16, 2001
Information Security-Opportunities for Improved OMB Oversight (GAO Report, Sept.1996)
Redefining Security (Joint Security Commission, 1994) html or pdf formats
JSC-II: Final Report August 24, 1999 (Joint Security Commission) pdf format
Acquisition of Technology Relating to WMD and Advanced Conventional Munitions (July-December 2003) or PDF
GAO/NSIAD-96-225 Foreign Missile Threats: Analytical Soundness of Certain NIEs
GAO/NSIAD-99-163 Combatting Terrorism: Need for Comprehensive Threat and Risk Assessments of Chemical and Biological Attacks
GAO/NSIAD-97-53 Foreign Missile Threats: Analytic Soundness of National Intelligence Estimate 95-19
GAO/NSIAD-98-245 EOP Procedures for...Intelligence Information
The Environment and National Security Speech (1996)
Rand Hot Topics: Intelligence Gathering
SSCI Report on Committee Activities, Jan. 4, 1995-Oct. 3, 1996 (also in pdf)
SSCI Rules
DCI Directive 1/7: Security Controls on the Dissemination of Intelligence Information
Intelligence Oversight Board's Guatemala Review (1996) via CIP
Department of State's Guatemala Documents
Executive Order 12863 on the PFIAB (also in pdf format)
Executive Order 12958: Classified National Security Information (pdf format)
Executive Order 12968: Access to Classified Information (pdf format)
Executive Order 12972: Amendment to Executive Order 12958 (pdf format)
Executive Order 12977: Interagency Security Committee (pdf format)
Executive Order 13142: Amendment to Executive Order 12958 (also in pdf format)
Secretary of Defense Annual Report to the President and the Congress 2000 (pdf format, ca 2 mb)2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Technology Collection Trends in the U.S. Defense Industry (2002)
Checklist for the Future of Intelligence

Legislative Bills, Laws, and Reports

Public Law 95-511 [summary] Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
Intelligence Related Laws through March 25, 2003 (via HPSCI or local) (2.6 mb pdf)
S.2089 A Bill to Amend FISA, introduced in the Senate Feb. 24, 2000 (pdf)
Executive Summary and Report: Investigation of Espionage Allegations Against Dr. Wen Ho Lee (Released by Sen. Arlen Specter)
Public Law 104-93 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1996 (pdf)
Public Law 104-293 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1997 (pdf)
Public Law 105-107 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)
Senate Report 105-24 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)
House Report 105-135 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)
Conference Report 105-350 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1998 (pdf)
Public Law 105-272 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)
HR3694(enrolled) Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)
Senate Report 105-185 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)
House Report 105-508 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)
Conference Report 105-780 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY1999 (pdf)
Senate Report 106-3 on Activities of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Senate Report 106-048 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (txt)
House Report 106-130 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)
Conference Report 106-457 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (txt) and (pdf)
HR1555 (enrolled bill) Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)
Public Law 106-120 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2000 (pdf)
House Report 106-620 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)
Senate Report 106-279 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)
Conference Report 106-969 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)
Veto Message on Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (November 4, 2000) (pdf)
Public Law 106-567 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2001 (pdf)
House Report 107-219 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2002 (pdf)
Senate Report 107-63 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2002 (pdf)
Conference Report 107-328 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2002 (pdf)
Public Law 107-108 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2002 (pdf)
Senate Report 107-149 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2003 (pdf)
Public Law 107-306 Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2003 (pdf)
House Report 108-163 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2004 (pdf)
Senate Report 108-44 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2004 (pdf)
House Report 108-558 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2005 (pdf)
Senate Report 108-258 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2005 (pdf)
House Report 109-101 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2006 (pdf)
Senate Report 109-142 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2006 (pdf)
House Report 109-411 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2007 (pdf)
Senate Report 109-259 on the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY2007 (pdf)
Public Law 107-56 (USA Patriot Act of 2001)
Senate Report 109-85 on USA Patriot Act Renewal (2005)
HPSCI Committee Activity Report for the 105th Congress (173 kb pdf)
HPSCI Committee Activity Report for the 106th Congress (98 kb pdf)
SSCI Committee Activity Report for the 107th Congress (pdf)
Senate Report 107-51 on Committee Activities, Jan. 6, 1999-Dec. 15, 2000. (174 kb pdf)
Cox Report via House Server or locally on technology transfer and theft of Nuclear Secrets by the PRC
Report of the Redmond Panel on Improving Counterintelligence at DOE/National Laboratories (pdf)
SSCI China Report: Report on Impacts to U.S. National Security of Advanced Satellite Technology Exports to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Report on the PRC’s Efforts to Influence U.S. Policy
SSCI Report on the US Intelligence Community's Prewar Intelligence Assessments on Iraq
Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission Report (1.6 mb pdf)
Handling of FBI Intelligence Information Related to the Justice Department’s Campaign Finance Investigation (USDOJ/OIG Special Report: July, 1999)
FBI Intelligence Investigations: Coordination within Justice on Counterintelligence Criminal Matters is Limited (GAO Report 01-780, July, 2001)
House Reports 109-384 and 109-385 regarding domestic CT surveillance.
USCODE (U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library U.S. Code)

Hearings, Statements, and Testimony

William Webster (Fmr. DCI) Testimony before House Committee on National Security February 13, 1997
Anthony Lake Testimony before the SSCI March 11, 1997
Thomas R. Wilson, DDIA, before the SSCI 2 February 2000
George Tenet (DCI), before the SSCI 2 February 2000 [as prepared for delivery]
John Deutch (Fmr. DCI) Testimony before House Committee on National Security February 12, 1998
James Woolsey (Fmr. DCI)Testimony before House Committee on National Security, February 12, 1998
Terrorism and Intelligence Operations, before Joint Economic Committee, May 20, 1998
CIA: Observations of GAO Access to information on CIA Programs and Activities, GAO Testimony July 18, 2001 (pdf format)
Disclosure of Classified Information to Congress, before Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, February 4 and 11, 1998 (S. Hrg. 105-729)
Hearing: Infectious Disease: Threat to America's Health and Security, June 29,2000. H.Serial 106-146 (3.5 MB pdf)
Hearing: State Department Domestic Security Lapses, May 17, 2000. H.Serial 106-162 (2.4 MB pdf)
Hearing: Russian Intelligence Activities Directed at the Department of State.Feb.10,2000. S.Hrg.106-565 (225 kb pdf)
Hearing: NIE on Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States. Feb. 9, 2000. S.Hrg. 106-671 (4.3 MB pdf)
Hearing: Defense Security Service Oversight, Feb. 16, 2000. H.Serial 106-152 (3.5 MB pdf)
Inadequate Personnel Security Investigations Pose National Security Risks GAO testimony Feb. 16, 2000
DOD Personnel: Weaknesses in Security Investigation Program are Being Addressed GAO testimony April 6, 2000
More Accurate Estimate of Overdue Security Clearance Reinvestigations is Needed GAO testimony September 20, 2000
Defense Security Service: Mission Degradation? Hearing before Subcom.on Nat.Sec.,Vet.Aff.,and IR of the House Committee of Government Reform, March 2, 2001
For testimony on U.S. weapons labs and foreign espionage, see technology transfer

Reorganization, Reform, and Management

IRTPA and IC Reform
Assessing the 9/11 Panel's Recommendations for Reshaping American Intelligence (2004, via TCF)
John Millis (HPSCI Staff Director) Address at the CIRA Luncheon, October 5, 1998, via JYA.
IC21: Intelligence Community in the 21st Century via GPO or local
Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy Report via GPO or local
Commision on the Roles and Capabilities of the US IC via FAS
Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of US Intelligence
Rethinking Intelligence, via GovExec
DOD Personnel: Inadequate Personnel Security Investigations Pose National Security Risk (GAO/NSIAD)
DOD Personnel: More Actions Needed to Address Backlog of Security Clearance Reinvestigations (GAO/NSIAD)
NRO at the Crossroads (Report of the National Commission for the Review of the NRO, 2000)(6 mb pdf)
NSA 1999 External Team Review (large pdf file, ca. 2.7 mb)
NSA 1999 NETeam (Internal) Review (very large pdf file, ca. 6.5 mb)
Security Clearance Investigation FAQ
NPR (National Performance Review)Intelligence Agency Activities
NPR Intelligence Agency Activities Update 1
NPR Intelligence Agency Activities Update 2
NPR New Recommendations for Intelligence Agencies
Gore announces NPR New Recommendations for Intelligence
Counter Intelligence Effectiveness (White House Statement: May 4, 1994)
U.S. Intelligence Community Reform Studies since 1947 via CSI

Terrorism / Counterterrorism

Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction, Annual Report to Congress, 1999 (pdf, 919 kb)
Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (St. Andrews University)
Combatting Terrorism: Threat and Risk Assessments Can Help Prioritize and Target Program Investments (GAO Report, April 1998)
Combatting Terrorism: Need for Comprehensive Threat and Risk Assessments of Chemical and Biological Attacks (GAO/NSIAD-99-163)
FEMA Virtual Library on Terrorism
Foreign Terrorist Organizations, via U.S. Department of State
Heritage Foundation Library on Intelligence/Counter-Terrorism
HEROES (State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security: Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program)
Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan
Khobar Towers Bombing Incident (Staff Report, House National Security Committee, August 1996)
National Commission on Terrorism Report, 2000 (pdf, 3.2 mb)
National Domestic Preparedness Office
Office for DomesticPreparedness (Justice Department)
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1996 via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1997 via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1998 via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1999 via State Department (or local 3.4 mb pdf)
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2000, via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2001, via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2002, via State Department
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 2003, via State Department
Country Reports on Terrorism, 2004
Country Reports on Terrorism, 2005 and map
Country Reports on Terrorism, 2006
Country Reports on Terrorism, 2007
Country Reports on Terrorism, 2008
Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Site (Centers for Disease Control)
Report of the Joint Inquiry into the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 - by the HPSCI and SSCI (5.5mb pdf, via GPO or local)
Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Prior to the September 11 Attacks
or in pdf
Terrorism and Intelligence Operations, before Joint Economic Committee, May 20, 1998
Terrorism: Automated Lookout Systems and Border Security Options and Issues (CRS)(pdf)
Terrorism Incident Annex to Federal Response Plan (pdf)
Toward a National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction 2nd Annual Report to Congress, Dec. 2000
Terrorism: Near Eastern Groups and State Sponsors, 2001 (CRS)(pdf)
UK Intelligence and Security Committee's Report into the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005
Government Response to the ISC's Report into the London Terrorist Attacks on 7 July 2005
Report of the Official Account of the Bombing in London on 7 July 2005

Journals, Articles, and Papers Related to Strategic Intelligence

Journal of Intelligence and National Security (Table of contents and contact information.)
Journal of Intelligence History
Can't Anybody Here Play This Game? (Atlantic Monthly, February 1998)
Intelligence and National Security (15 Year Index)
International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence (on-line index is available)
National Security and the Future (International Journal published by the St. George Association)
Russia's Security Services: A Checklist for Reform (from Perspectives)
The Pitfalls of U.S. Covert Operations via Cato
Profile: State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Making Intelligence Smarter
Intelligence Lost
The Warning-Response Problem (via Carnegie Commission)
The Cryptolog
Strategic Assessments 1995-1999 via NDU
The Rapid Expansion of Intelink
Kent Center Occasional Papers via CIA
Unclassified articles from CIA's Studies in Intelligence: On-line index and access via CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence
Council on Foreign Relations Report on Intel (2/96), via FAS
The Satellite Encyclopedia

Of Historical Interest

Cuban Missile Crisis

CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis (large pdf)
Foreign Relations of the US: Cuban Missile Crisis via State Department
Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges (local)
RealAudio recordings from Oval Office during Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, via NSArchives
NSA and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Naval Historical Center Document on the Naval Quarantine
Presenting the Photographic Evidence Abroad via CSI
Soviet Deception in the Cuban Missile Crisis via CSI


CIA's Electronic Document Release Center
CIA Task Force Report on Greater CIA Openness (1991)
DCI Gates Response to Task Force Report on Greater CIA Openness (1992)
Conference Remarks on (De-)Classification by John Podesta (Nov. 1998)
Declassified Military Resources
Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group via NARA
State Department Electronic Reading Room
DIA Electronic Reading Room
FBI Electronic Reading Room
GWU Declassification Productivity Research Center
Activities of the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel 5/1997-4/1998
National Archives: Rules on Declassification of National Security Information
National Archives Guide to OSS Records
National Archives Guide to CIA Records
National Archives Guide to DIA Records
National Archives Guide to FBI Records
National Archives Guide to FBIS Records
National Archives Guide to NSA/CSS Records
Yale Library Declassified Documents Site
Foreign Relations of the U.S. 1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment Summary and full text

Historical Espionage (see also Ames and Hanssen)

Espionage case summaries from DSS
CNN's Intelligence Interactive: Cold War Espionage
NSA Venona Program
FBI's FOIA documents on Venona (local) (~3 megs) or via FBI server
FBI Press Release re: Earl Edwin Pitts
FBI Affidavit re: Harold James Nicholson
FBI Summary of the Nathan Silvermaster Group via FBI server
FBI Summary of the Rosenberg Case (local) Part 1 and Part 2 (~3 megs)or via FBI server
FBI Summary of the Burgess, MacLean, and Philby Cases (local) or via FBI server
FBI Summary of Tokyo Rose (local) Parts 1, 2, and 3 or via FBI server
Historical Images of female spies in the Civil War (via UVA)
Alger Hiss Story Conference Transcripts, via NYU
DOJ Final Report on the Leung espionage case
Ponger - Verber Espionage Case
Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations (McCarthy Hearings, 1953-54), via GPO or local (volumes I, II, III, IV, V) [large pdf files, ca. 2.5 mb per volume]
Spy Letters of the American Revolution (Via University of Michgan)

Historical SIGINT Topics

NSA Historical Publications
Cryptologic Histories
Bletchley Park Trust
On Enigma and a Method for its Decryption
Funkaufklaerung im 2. Weltkrieg
The Turing Bombe
National Cryptologic Museum
NSA and the Cuban Missile Crisis
NSA releases on the 1958 shootdown of a USAF C-130
Korea: AFSA Role (1.9 mb pdf)
Korea: Chinese Intervention (1.9 mb pdf)
Pearl Harbor Revisited: US Navy Communications Intelligence
Truman Memorandum (Oct. 24, 1952) Establishing NSA (.tif format)
USS Liberty Memorial Page
NSA releases of USS Liberty incident audio intercepts, transcripts, and reports
USS Liberty Messages
NSA Venona Program
FBI's FOIA documents on Venona (local) (~3 megs)
The Zimmermann Telegraph available in coded or decoded versions

Research Related Organizations

Guatemala Document Collection via National Security Archives
Harvard Project on Cold War Studies
Cold War International History Project
International Intelligence History Study Group


Imaging Space Reconnaissance Operations during the Cold War [William Burrows]
Corona: America's First Satellite Program (local 18 mb pdf) or via CIA's CSI
Index, Declassified Collection of CORONA, ARGON, and LANYARD Records, 26 Nov 97
The Life and Death of Cosmos 954 from Studies in Intelligence, Spring 1978 (pdf file, 587 kb)
NRO Launches from 1959-1965 (F97-0007)
Declassified imagery via USGS Earth Explorer
Declassified Satellite Images: Corona
Declassified Satellite Images: Ocean Topography
NRO Declassification Initiatives
NRO: Strategy for Addressing the Commercialization fo Satellite Imagery

Other Historical Documents and Subjects

The Family Jewels
At Cold War's End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989-1991 via CSI
Central Intelligence: Origin and Evolution via CSI (pdf)
Church Committee publications via AARC (html and pdf)
CIA Briefings of Presidential Candidates, 1952-1992
CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1974
CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis 22 megs to PC rather than trying to open over the web)
My Years with the CIA by Historian George C. Herring
CIA Creation Collection access via State Department Electronic Reading Room
British Security and Intelligence History: Documents Overview
Citizens Guide to Using the FOIA/Privacy Act (House of Representatives pdf)
The Easter Offensive of 1972 (via FAS)
Rockefeller Commission Report via AARC (html and pdf)
Target Central Europe: American Intelligence Efforts Regarding Nazi and Early Postwar Austria
The Farewell Dossier: Duping the Soviets (pdf format-large) (Gus Weiss, Studies in Intelligence, v.39 no.5, 1996) or html via CSI
William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan from FBI FOIA Documents
KGB History (pdf in Russian, via Harvard University)
List of National Security Council Intelligence Directives (1948-1977)
CIA Reports on Oswald in Mexico

The Ames Affair

Ames Complaint and Warrants
White House Press Conference on Ames (February 22, 1994)
White House Statement on Ames (February 22, 1994)
A Review of the FBI’s Performance in Uncovering the Espionage Activities of Aldrich Hazen Ames (DOJ Inspector General, April, 1997)
1994 CIA Inspector General Report on the Ames Affair
1995 CIA Inspector General SSCI Statement on the Ames Affair
Security Awareness Bulletin on the Ames Affair
DCI Deutch Oct. 95 Public Statement on Ames Damage Assessment
DCI Deutch Dec. 95 SSCI Statement on Ames Damage Assessment
The Ames Scandal: A Moscow Perspective

The Hanssen Affair

Robert Hanssen Complaint and Warrants
Hanssen case photographs
FBI Press Release on the Arrest of Robert Philip Hanssen, 20 February 2001
President Bush's Comments on the Arrest of Robert Philip Hanssen, 20 February 2001
A Review of the FBI's Performance in Deterring, Detecting, and Investigating the Espionage Activities of Robert Philip Hanssen via DOJ/OIG (also DOJ pdf or local pdf)
Review of the FBI Security Program and its Transformation (Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, July 2001)
Hanssen plea agreement (via findlaw)
Hanssen sentencing memorandum (via findlaw)

Debates and Wild Controversy

Iraq's WMD Programs (Oct. 2002)
Iraqi Bio Warfare (May 2003)
DCI Special Advisor Report on Iraq's WMD (Sept. 2004) Key Findings, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Duelfer Addenda (March 2005)
Prospects for Iraq's Stability NIE (Feb. 2007)

GAO/NSIAD-95-187: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, NM
FISA and the Fourth Amendment
Inside the Department of Dirty Tricks (Atlantic Monthly, Aug. 1979)
High Resolution, Unresolved (Atlantic Monthly, July 1996)
Justice for Jonathan Pollard (n.b.Website authorized by the Pollards)
Listening In: Eavesdropping and the National Security Agency (via TCF)
The Politicized C.I.A. [sic.] via Center for Security Policy
The RMA (Revolution in Military Affairs) Debate Page via Commonwealth Institute/Project on Defense Alternatives
The CIA as Economic Spy: The Misuse of Intelligence via CATO Institute
National Intelligence Council, Emerging Missile Threats to North America During the Next 15 Years. Testimony 28 February 1996.
DIA, Global Threats and Challenges to the United States and its Interests Abroad, 5 February 1997
Budget of the IC
Chinese Espionage stories from the Washington Post
Wen Ho Lee Supporter's Page
Final Report of the Attorney General's Review Team on the Handling of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Investigation, May 2000 ("The Bellows Report")(local; also available directly from Department of Justice)


Technologies of Political Control (scanned, via Cryptome)
Interception Capabilities 2000 (EP Report on ECHELON and COMINT, via NRC Handelsblad)
Working Papers From the European Parliament/STOA:
Volume 1: Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information (pdf via FAS)
Volume 2: The state of the art in Communications Intelligence (COMINT)(pdf via FAS)
Volume 3: Encryption and cryptosystems in electronic surveillance (pdf via FAS)
Volume 4: The legality of the interception of electronic communications (pdf via FAS)
Volume 5: The perception of economic risks arising from the potential vulnerability of electronic commercial media to interception (pdf via FAS)

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